Entries by admin

Choosing a Softball Recruiting and Skills Camp

RECRUITING and SKILLS CAMPS! What to ask before and how to act during! SELECTING YOUR TARGET SCHOOLS (Pre-Camp): *Pick AT LEAST 10 schools of interest: -5 realistic -3 fall backs -2 pipe dreams -Know what type of softball players these schools like to recruit -Check out their roster! What positions will they need your year? […]

Softball Recruiting Timelines

Softball Recruiting Timelines by NCSA Knowing what you should be doing at every point in your recruiting process is critical. As a softball player here are some general timelines you should be aware of. As a sophomore, you may receive brochures for camps and questionnaires and you can call the coach at your own expense […]

Women’s Fastpitch Softball Association

Women’s Fastpitch Softball Association The Women’s Fast-pitch Softball Association (WFSA) is the fastest growing recreational and competitive women’s sports program in the country. The WFSA launched its leagues nationwide in the spring of 2010, and is an adult alternative to slow pitch softball. Our mission is to have nationally based leagues, playing fast-pitch softball in […]